
Start time: 4.00 pm

End time: 6.00 pm


IIPM March Webinar: Investments

Announcement from the IIPM organiser:

In keeping with our trend in recent years, the IIPM are delighted to kick off our 2023 CPD Programme with a focus on Investments. IIPM President, Ian Slattery, will be joined by Mike Bell of JP Morgan and Dominic Byrne of Blackrock. 2022 was a poor year for DC investors as both equities and bonds suffered large losses. Whilst falling bond prices helped the funding levels of DB schemes,  it was not all plain sailing in a year dominated by inflation. Mike and Dominic will unpack many of the key issues faced by pension investors and also outline some of the practical actions scheme trustees and advisors can take to help keep their member’s retirement funding plans on track.

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Event Type
Event format
Virtual event
Mike Bell of JP Morgan and Dominic Byrne of Blackrock
Irish Institute of Pensions Management (IIPM)