
Start time: 4.00 pm (Tea/Coffee from 3.30pm)

End time: 6.00 pm


Chartered Accountants House, 47 Pearse St, Dublin 2, Ireland

*Fully Booked* Professionalism Workshop (Cross-practice)

LIA  - Accreditation number LIA15713_2023 

Professionalism Workshop (Cross-practice) – Introduction to tools to aid ethical decision making and a practical application of these.

Participants will be introduced to a set of tools which can be used to approach ethical decisions analytically. Participants will then be invited to apply these tools in an attempt to resolve an ethical dilemma.

On completion of this session participants should be able to:

  • Describe some tools to improve ethical decision-making.
  • Articulate some central concepts in the ethics of the session topic.
  • Apply ethical principles and values in decisions more effectively.


Please note: This Professionalism Workshop is being run twice to maximise the number of places available to members so please ensure that you have only booked for one workshop.

Biographical details

Dr Baxter is Professional Ethics Consultancy Team Leader at the Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre at the University of Leeds, where he has worked as a consultant to business and the professions since 2006. He is also a researcher in ethics, with interests in moral responsibility and mental illness.

He has published on professional ethics, and has completed a number of commissioned research projects as part of his consultancy role, including research into integrity in collaboration with the Institute for Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, a National Inquiry into Ethical Decision-Making in NHS trusts, and research into professionalism in banking for the Banking Standards Board.

Members Only Event
You must be a member of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland to attend this event.
Event Type
Professionalism Workshop
Event format
Live event
Dr Jim Baxter