
Start time: 9.30 am

End time: 11.00 am

Online: zoom

IMI Mini-Masterclass: How to Succeed in Delivering Digital Transformation with Professor Alan Brown.

Announcement from the IMI organiser: 

Finding the right balance between continuity and change is at the heart of successfully driving digital transformation in your organisations.   

In this Mini-Masterclass session, Professor Alan Brown will make the case that we can no longer rely on past experiences to guide future planning in this space. Using a framework of the five key dilemmas of digital transformation today, Alan will explain how business leaders should respond.  

By attending this Mini-Masterclass, you will gain key insights on:

  • How to overcome the roadblocks of today's digital transformation challenges
  • ​Why businesses will require substantial re-skilling to adopt more agile and data-driven decision-making processes
  • What new leadership models based on more dynamic and integrated teams must be adopted 

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Biographical details

Alan is a university professor, researcher, coach and trusted adviser to start-ups and established organisations across the public and private sector. His work is focused on leading agile approaches to business transformation and understanding the link between technology innovation and business innovation.

Event Type
Web Session
Professor Alan Brown
Irish Management Institute (IMI)