*FULLY BOOKED* Unconscious Bias Awareness
***This event will not be recorded***
As actuaries, we are trained to search out the bias in data and analysis. But, as human beings, we are all susceptible to unconscious bias. These biases serve an important purpose for us but can negatively impact our decision making.
In this session, we will build an awareness of what unconscious bias is. We will start to explore our own biases, what we can do to address unconscious bias, and the benefits of doing so.
Please note: This meeting will be in meeting format; therefore, you will have the ability to unmute and mute yourself to speak. You will also have the option to turn your camera on or off during the meeting. NB: We do advise you to please keep keep your cameara on for the duration of the meeting as this is an interactive session, with the use of breakout rooms, too.
Please also note: As spaces are limited, if, after you make a reservation for this meeting and you can no longer make it, please cancel your reservation as soon as you know. You can do this via your reservation on the SAI website or getting in touch with us at events@actuaries.ie and letting us know.
This event will be run as a live meeting using Zoom. Click here for information on using Zoom.
NB: As a security measure, there is a two-step registration process before you receive the link to join any webinar or meeting. The first step is to register your interest in attending the webinar/meeting by making a reservation for an event via the Society’s website. You will receive a link to then register via the Zoom platform. It is after this second registration step that you will receive the link to join the webinar or meeting.

Claire Lonergan is a member of the SAI’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee and of the Wider Fields Committee. She is the Head of Operations and Claims for a new life insurance joint venture between AIB and Irish Life. Claire has extensive experience of building effective teams, and is passionate about coaching and mentoring others to success.

Bríd Quigley is a member of Council and the SAI’s Diversity & Inclusion Committee. Bríd has previously led the development and implementation of a major corporate D&I programme for one of Ireland’s largest life assurance groups. She has had a long career as a senior executive and held various senior leadership roles in large functions and delivered extensive organisational change. Bríd is now focused on building a portfolio of Independent Non Executive Directorship roles.