
7.00pm:  Drinks reception

7.45pm:  Dinner

Royal College of Physicians, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

SAI President's Biennial Dinner

President's Biennial Dinner 2019

This occasion affords the Society the opportunity to bring together, in a convivial atmosphere, representatives of government departments, and kindred professional bodies, business leaders and Fellow, Honorary Fellow and Associate members. 

Dress code:   Black Tie.

As in previous years, all SAI Fellows and Associates are welcome to attend. 


Fellows and Associates - €125

Retired Fellows and Associates - €100

*Please use the online booking system if you wish to attend the event*

Members Only Event
You must be a member of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland to attend this event.
Cost (members)
€125 (Fellows and Associates) | €100 (Retired Fellows and Associates)
Event Type
Biennial Dinner