​The Westin Hotel, Dublin 2

The Elephant and the Dragon: Changing Dynamics that affect Asia and Beyond

The Society and CFA Society Ireland have a collaboration in place in terms of CPD events. There are 10 complimentary places available to SAI members for relevant CFA Society events and a reciprocal arrangement for CFA Society members at Society of Actuaries events.

Below are details of the next CFA Society event to which SAI members are welcome to attend.  If you wish to avail of one of the complimentary places, please email by Monday 2nd July. The Society will then draw lots for the 10 complimentary places.


Event Description:

The Elephant and the Dragon: Changing Dynamics that affect Asia and Beyond

Is China's economic model sustainable?

Is China's economic growth competitive or complementary to India?

How geopolitics and rising protectionism affecting China and India?

How would the interplay of these two rising powers affect Asia and beyond?

12.30 - Registration and networking lunch

13.00 - Presentation

14.00 - Close


Click here for more information.

Event Type
CFA Society Ireland event
​Xu Sitao - Chief Economist, Partner, Deloitte China
CFA Society Ireland