Lisbon Summer School in Insurance Developments
Topic 1. June 05-06, 2017. Insurance Linked Securities
Everybody’s Talking, goes a famous song line by Harry Nilsson. One thing they’re talking about is insurance linked securities (ILS), financial instruments that are used as alternatives to traditional reinsurance. But what are ILS?
Professor Alan Punter (London) will tell the audience about the evolution of ILS, their characteristics, and the current and future developments of the ILS market.
Topic 2. June 07-08, 2017. Big Data
Another topic on everybody’s lips is Big Data. Insurers do collect a lot of data, but do they use it?
Professor Christian Heumann (Munich) will give a two-day lecture series on the definition and the utilization of big data, not exclusively linked to insurance. Of special interest to insurers will be to learn about the organization of data so that it can be efficiently analyzed.
Who should attend
The target audience is actuaries and insurance professionals who want to understand better the current developments in insurance and reinsurance. Membership in an actuarial association is not required.
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For more information on this event please click here.
Please note that registration is open until 15th May 2017