
6pm - tea/coffee
6.30pm - workshop

Alexander Hotel

MEMBERS ONLY EVENT: Business Scenario Workshop

This workshop will be beneficial to members who serve on boards of directors or as senior managers within their organisations and to those who aspire to these roles, including recently qualified members.

Directors and senior managers are expected to be able to contribute to decisions that have a company-wide impact, rather than simply focusing on their own functional specialism.  Thus, the finance director needs an understanding of strategy, the marketing director needs to understand finance, etc. In fact, every director and senior manager needs a base of understanding of all the key areas.  They need to be able to make balanced decisions in which they have considered a range of aspects of the business.

With a view to helping members to test and develop their skills in this area, and drawing on his experience of the Institute of Directors’ Certificate, Diploma and Chartered Director courses, Peter Martin will facilitate discussion of a model business scenario.

The scenario will be circulated in advance so that you can digest the facts and give some consideration to the questions posed. Attendees  will be divided into small groups - almost like small boards of directors - and given time for discussion of the issues involved and to see if you can agree upon answers to the questions.  A model solution will be presented – though it is recognised that different answers may also be acceptable, as long as any assumptions made are stated and are reasonable.   

Please book online by 15th September so that we can forward you the business scenario in advance of the workshop.  Numbers will be limited to 60 for this workshop.

Members Only Event
You must be a member of the Society of Actuaries in Ireland to attend this event.
Event Type
Peter H. Martin, Programme Director for the Institute of Directors' "Chartered Director Programme" in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland