Call for presenters – SAI Annual Convention 2022

It’s time to start planning for the SAI Annual Convention, which is scheduled to take place on Monday, 14th November 2022 in the Convention Centre Dublin.  Firstly, don’t forget to diary this date!

This year, we plan on running the SAI Annual Convention as a live in-person event for the first time in over two years.   We would like to offer members a broad and diverse range of presentations to choose from, including sessions which could be counted as Professionalism CPD.

We are now inviting expressions of interest from members and non-members who would like to deliver a session at the Convention 2022.


Expressions of interest:

  • Format: As well as presentations, formats such as a panel discussion, round table discussion or debate would be welcome. You may deliver a session on your own or jointly with others. 
  • Content: The following proposals are welcome but feel free to suggest others:
    • Topics specific to a particular practice area;
    • Sessions that would have cross-practice appeal;
    • Sessions relating to wider fields;
    • Topics that cover professionalism issues and;
    • Other topics that you consider would be of interest to members
  • Length of session: 40 minutes, including approximately 10 minutes for questions from the audience. However, if you think that your topic needs more time, please indicate that and we may be able to adjust the timing of the sessions to include it.

If you wish to suggest a topic but do not want to present it yourself, we are also keen to hear from you.


How to submit your Proposal:

Please email by Friday, 9th September to express your interest in getting involved. We plan on having a draft Programme prepared by the end of September.

Please provide a short outline of your proposal, including:

  • Topic and format of session;
  • The (main) practice area(s) to which the topic is relevant or whether it relates to a wider field topic(s) or professionalism;
  • The technical level of knowledge that the audience would need in order to understand the topic (beginner / intermediate / advanced);
  • The length of the session: whether it is 40 minutes or an alternative length;
  • If the speakers are decided: the employer and contact details for each speaker; and
  • Whether the session has been (or will/might be) delivered elsewhere and if so, where and when.  
  • If you are happy for this session to be recorded on the day and made available to attendees afterwards.


Please note that we do not require presentations or slide decks at this stage.   We will review all expressions of interest received and would hope to be able to confirm if your presentation has been accepted by end September 2022.



Sponsorship opportunities for the SAI Annual Convention are available.  Please contact for more information.